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Found 4 resources (displaying 4)

Immigrants YE-3300  

Agriculture Program
Refugee and Immigrant Self-Empowerment (RISE)

302 Burt Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides opportunities for refugees and immigrants to set up plots of land to farm and plant culturally appropriate vegetables and food. Education on the planting environment, assistance selling produce, a goat farm project to raise and sell goats, and literacy classes are offered.

Refugees/Entrants/Asylees YE-7000  

Agriculture Program
Refugee and Immigrant Self-Empowerment (RISE)

302 Burt Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides opportunities for refugees and immigrants to set up plots of land to farm and plant culturally appropriate vegetables and food. Education on the planting environment, assistance selling produce, a goat farm project to raise and sell goats, and literacy classes are offered.

Center for New Americans
InterFaith Works of Central New York

1010 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides resettlement and post-resettlement services that help refugee and immigrant families integrate into their new communities. Offers citizenship classes, ESL classes, relocation moving assistance, employment placement services for newly arriving refugees, and case management to assist with …

Counseling Services
Catholic Charities of Onondaga County

1654 West Onondaga Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides outpatient individual, couple, and family counseling. Offers treatment programs for refugees and male perpetrators of sexual abuse of children. Offers educational programs and consultation for parenting as well as provides information and referral services as needed.  Does not prescribe …

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United Way

United Way of Central New York
United Way of Greater Oswego County
United Way of Northern New York, Inc.

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