Adult Protective Services (APS)
Also coordinates after-hours homeless emergencies in St. Lawrence County. For emergency homelessness, please contact the county Sheriff's department at 315-379-2222.
Eligibility: Individuals ages 18 years and older: - with a physical or mental impairment - who are at risk of harm either by their own or others' actions - who have no one willing or able to responsibly assist
Application Process: Call to file a concern/compliant
Required Documentation: None
Fees: None
St. Lawrence County
St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
6 Judson Street
Canton NY 13617
Website: SocialServices
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM
Disabled: Fully Accessible
County Sheriff: 315-379-2222 (Emergency Homelessness)
Business Line: 315-379-2148
Website: SocialServices
6 Judson Street
Canton NY 13617
Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM
Christine St. Andrews
Case Supervisor, Grade B
Disabilities Access
Fully Accessible